What Time?
The bird sale is open to buyers at 10am and finishes at 2:00pm on Saturday.
No access to the hall is allowed to buyers before or after this time.
Entry Price
Entry is a $2 gold coin donation. Children under 15 are free.
What birds will be there?
There is always a wide variety of birds available from finches, budgies, parrots and cockatoos.
There are many mutation, exotic and native birds.
Be Prepared
If you are thinking of buying a bird bring an appropriate (for the bird) carry cage.
Carry cages are available from trader stands on the day if you don't have one.
Some Australian native birds require licences.
All details for NSW regulations can be found at the NSW Environment & Heritage website.
To ensure you have a good day make sure you read the NSW Bird Sale Voluntary Code of Practice.
Food and drinks are available for sale on the day.
Recommendations for buying birds
- Always put your new birds in a safe carry box.
- Always supply suitable food and moisture of some sort. (e.g. cucumber as water spills everywhere)
- When arriving home place birds in a quiet, bright and warm place.
- Treat your birds with an electrolyte (e.g. SPARK from Vetafarm) as per directions.
- Treat your birds for worms if they haven't been wormed recently (ask the seller). Wormers are available at the trade stands.
- Release your birds into main aviary only if they are looking fit and healthy.
- Release your birds early in the morning so they can get used to their new surroundings.
- Spread some seed or suitable food around the cage floor. New birds don’t know where the seed tray is first off and will land on the ground.
- Keep an eye on new arrivals to see if they have settled in OK for the first week at least.
- Give your birds a green and varied diet and don’t overcrowd.
- Ask the seller what diet the birds were on.
- Ask the seller for their contact details.